In Memoriam
À la douce mémoire de...

RIP Brady
Ajouté le 6 Février 2020
I first saw a picture of Brady on Rosie’s web site. I immediately fell in love with him from that point. I got a meeting to see him at Yazoo. No doubt about it, that he would become mine. I signed the adoption forms and we both went home together, this would last for 13 more years. Brady shared our home with 3 cats. He didn’t mind them at all and blended well. From the beginning though, I had to work on his separation anxiety. It took a while, but was successful in the end. He was very attached to me. He would follow me everywhere and look at me with adoration. Even the neighbors would notice this. A few months after his adoption, I decided to give Brady another like his own kind. I adopted a puppy miniature schnauzer for him. They both bonded instantly and he felt proud to be a big brother. I can almost always see Brady with a smile on his face. She taught Brady how to be more of a dog. She taught him how to play, learn tricks, and to go on walks on leash. He needed her and she found comfort in him. As the years passed, these 2 dogs would even walk in sync. Their souls were connected. Brady just loved people. Our walks would take longer because he greeted everyone on the walk. So much joy and happiness in this 16 pound furry baby. When my younger dog passed away from congestive heart failure, Brady was lost. He started depending on me again. I tried to keep him busy, but he did become depressed. Slowly after this he started to change. But the last year his doggie dementia was getting worst. He was suffering on the inside and he was so frightened. But he would have moments of clarity. In those moments, he loved to play with the newest cat. Then on a Thursday afternoon, in a moment of Brady’s clarity, he came to me and placed his head on my chest. With his head on my chest, he looked deeply into my eyes. I understood what he was saying. I told him to let the weekend pass. Then late Monday morning, he did the same action again, with his eyes looking at me now in desperation. The decision was made. Early that afternoon we went to Pierrefonds hospital. He fought the sedation, but in the end he went peacefully. How this dog gave me so much joy, happiness and peace. How fast the years went by and he is no longer with me. I’m glad Brady found peace being part of a big furry family. He will be sadly missed as my heart is broken in a million pieces.

In memory of Bayleigh
Ajouté le 8 Janvier 2020
We adopted Daisy (we renamed her Bayleigh) from Rosie Animal Adoption back on September 25, 2005 when she was 5 month old. Two weeks ago today on Sept 8, 2019 she passed away. She lived 14 1/2 wonderful love filled years. Kindly let us know how to go about posting something under the “Pets Remembered” tab as she was the love of our life.
We want to thank you for doing what you do.
Much Appreciated.
Brenda & Jim.

Ajouté le 4 Juin 2019
My name is Daniel, in the summer of 2011 we adopted from Rosie our new dog named Beau.
There was a immediate connection and we adopted him soon after we met. As he was an older dog, born around 2003, he developed some health issues after a few years.
In 2017 he was diagnosed with Cushing disease but the medication made him more ill than the disease itself. Without any medication the prognosis was only six months. Knowing time was short we made an successful effort to have his picture included in Rosie's 2018 calendar. Beau defied the odds surviving almost two years after the initial diagnosis.
Toward the end of his life the complications of the disease won over the quality of life. We sadly said our goodbyes on April 29 to the most amazing dog with whom we ever had the chance to share a lifetime of memories.
ROSE 2004-2018.
Ajouté le 6 Aout 2018
Today we had to say goodbye to our Labrador - Rose. The Matriarch has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Illness comes quickly and without mercy. Rose was a rescue who we came to us 4 years ago. Keely and Timber will miss her as much as we will. “Labs leave pawprints on our hearts.”

Ajouté le 14 Mars 2018
On March 6th 2018, our family had to say goodbye to our beloved Haley (AKA Wendy).
We received her on July 7th 2011, and after many wonderful years together, Haley fell victim to a sudden illness that brought our time together to an end. Haley was a very special part of our family, and having to say goodbye was truly devastating, not only for us, but for everyone who was lucky enough to know her.
Haley was sweet, gentle, and we all loved her more than any words could possibly express. Although we’re hurting right now, we all feel very fortunate to have had her in our lives, and we will forever cherish every moment we got to spend with her.
Thank you for bringing her to us. We couldn’t have asked for a better girl.
We’ll miss you Haley.

MOTCH Life of Riley JH WC
Ajouté le 16 Janvier 2018
Born around December 1, 2003 – December 8, 2017
With his beloved family by his side we said our final goodbyes to Riley last night at the age of 14 years
I met Riley at a Rosie’s adoption clinic. He was the gangliest and skinniest looking black lab I had ever laid eyes on. What he did have was a personality that I immediately fell in love with. The relationship that we forged over the last fourteen years was truly special.
Without a stellar pedigree (actually an unknown pedigree) behind him he none the less did well in the obedience ring; earning a MOTCH in a short time and meriting the position of top lab in obedience in Canada in 2009 and 2010. In addition we had been privileged to compete with truly top dogs several times at the HIT of HITS in Ottawa and Quebec.
Riley began his hunting career at the age of three. He was fairly good at retrieving on land but the sport also requires retrieving in water and at 3 he did know how swim. In order to compete in hunt competitions, I was forced to don chest waders and enter mucky ponds and literally coax him into swimming.
He not only eventually learned to swim but was able to achieve a couple of hunt titles.
A highlight of his ‘career’ was when we were chosen to appear in the Caesar Milan’s live show in November 2010. We went on stage at the Bell Center in front of 8,000 people. Caesar stood at the side of the stage as Riley and I, with Gail calling a pattern, demonstrated to that crowd what obedience was all about – retrieving, heeling, jumping, doing signals – the crowd went wild. Riley just did what he was supposed to do; oblivious to the tele-prompters on the stage, the noise, the lights, the people, the cheering…… he just went out there and did his job!
Riley was a loveable dog and if he counted you among his friends (and he had many) he let you know it by vocalizing his happiness; whining, barking, smiling and making odd noises. If you were ever a passenger in a vehicle that he was in, you would have also been treated to the same racket!
I will miss my faithful friend and companion and it is always so hard to say goodbye but 14 years have allowed me to gather so many happy memories.
Beulah passed away
Ajouté le 12 Octobre 2017
Beulah passed away yesterday, Oct. 9th. She was not doing well so we had to let her go. We were with her until the end. We are feeling so sad and heartbroken. She was with us for such a short time, so unfair. But, she was happy with us and will always be in our thoughts.
I have attached a couple of pictures of her so you can choose one for your Pets Remembered.
Thank you for all you do for the innocent and helpless.

Ajouté le 17 Septembre 2017
Last night I had to say goodbye to my best friend of 13 years, Trooper. I held him as he took his last breath. I adopted him from you - I picked him up on July 1 2004 from his foster home in Dollard. He was the most wonderful animal anyone could have hoped for - he was smart, kind and very funny and animated. I will miss him terribly. I wonder if I could donate some his food and biscuits that I have left. If so, just tell where to bring them. Thank you so much for bringing Trooper into my life..

Ajouté le 3 Juillet 2017
Dear friends :
My brave little Frison left us last night for a better world, without suffering. The only vet who ever cared for him over the past 13 years – Dr. Gilmour – came to my house, and Frison died peacefully in my arms, against my heart, surrounded by Charlot and Miss Kiki, who both understood yesterday that something was happening. I could tell from their eyes that they were sad. And they still are.
If violence, abuse and neglect marked the first 3 years of Frison’s life, the last 13 were marked with love, calmness and serenity. He was for me a faithful companion but the time had come to let him go. He was cremated today. I am very sad, needless to say, but I am relieved that my little man is now free from pain and suffering.
To all of you who met him, petted him, walked him or cared for him in any way shape or form, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Chers amis,
Mon brave petit Frison nous a quittés hier soir pour un monde meilleur, à l’abri des souffrances. Le seul vétérinaire qui l’ait toujours soigné depuis 13 ans – le Dr Gilmour – est venu à la maison, et mon petit Frison est mort paisiblement dans mes bras, collé contre mon cœur et entouré de Charlot et de Miss Kiki, qui ont très bien compris hier qu’il se passait quelque chose. Leurs regards tristes en disent long.
Si les 3 premières années de la vie de Frison ont été marquées par la violence, la maltraitance et l’abandon, les 13 dernières se seront déroulées sous le signe de l’amour, du calme et de la sérénité. Il a été pour moi un fidèle compagnon, mais le moment était venu de le laisser partir. Il a été incinéré aujourd’hui. Je suis très triste, il va sans dire, mais aussi soulagée de savoir mon petit homme délivré de ses douleurs et souffrances.
À tous ceux d’entre vous qui l’ont rencontré, chouchouté, promené ou soigné d’une façon quelconque, je vous remercie du fond du cœur.
R.I.P. Sweet Rusty (A.K.A. Sam)...
Ajouté le 21 Mai 2017
It is with much sorrow that on December 26,2016 , having just turned 13 years old , we had to say goodbye to our beautiful Rusty.
In August 2006 , we were so delighted to have been able to bring Rusty into our household , where he joined his sister Peaches and brother Toby.
Coming from a puppy mill and having endured a very sad 2 1/2 years in the beginning of his life until Rosie's Animal Adoption rescued him., he was in poor health , but Rosie's gave us the chance to help give him a new life & bring out his true sweet nature for over 10 1/4 years.
He had learned to really enjoy life as a free & fun-loving Golden should & showed it with his gentle soul for all people or circle of furry friends that he came to know.
Rusty had several serious health issues over the years , but always got through them like the strong-willed trooper he was, never losing his sweet demeanour & happy go-lucky temperament.
Until we see you again at the Rainbow Bridge , you are always in our hearts.
Simon & Edie Frankel.