Pets Remembered
In Memory of...

Added April, 25 2017
Ce matin, Chopin s'est envolé. Il venait d'avoir 13 ans. Nous avons traversé 5 années de vie commune et pleine de péripétiesé Partager son quotidien avec un bonheur sur pattes anxieus n'est pas banal et m'a appris bien des choses. La maison est déjà trop calme. Bisou mon peit Chopin.
Added January, 31 2017
I wanted to let you know that Charlot, my beloved sweet chocolate lab, passed away yesterday Jan. 23 at the age of 11 years and 2 months! He was diagnosed recently with diabetes ketoacidosis and became very ill quickly. I adopted him just over 3 years ago and he was an absolutely wonderful dog! He will be greatly missed by his family, his canine brother Farley, who is another Rosie dog and his feline companions who he loved to chase around the house! He will always be in our hearts and dearly missed!

Added January, 10 2017
Last night I had to say goodbye to my best friend of 13 years, Trooper. I held him as he took his last breath. I adopted him from you - I picked him up on July 1 2004 from his foster home in Dollard. He was the most wonderful animal anyone could have hoped for - he was smart, kind and very funny and animated. I will miss him terribly. Thank you so much for bringing Trooper into my life..

RIP Jack
Added December, 20 2016
RIP Jack- thank you to your fabulous adopter for giving you 13 years of love. Run free over 🌈bridge.
About 13 yrs ago, I adopted a beautiful soul that you called Turner and I came to know as Jack. He was my best friend and an incredible source of joy, happiness and comfort. Yesterday , I had to say goodbye to him, I am incredible pain but he is in a better place. I look forward to seeing him again one day. Thank you for bringing him into my life so many years ago.

Added December, 16 2016
Karma passed away December 13th 2016 , of a ruptured cancerous liver tumor.
She was adopted by Denis, Sheila, and Sara-Jane , who absolutely adored this little one and who gave her the kind of home that allowed her to know nothing but joy love and peace.
She was an amazing little dog, who asked for nothing more than to be loved , and every day she gave back love and gratitude to her family.
Rest in peace little Puppy Karma.

Added January, 5 2016

Rosie notre mascotte
Added September, 29 2013
Le départ de notre mascotte Rosie
C’est avec énormément de tristesse que j’écris ce mot. J’ai dû faire mes adieux à Rosie hier, le samedi 28 septembre 2013. Cette petite chienne a été rescapée de chez les autochtones il y a 12 ans, alors qu’elle n’avait pas de domicile fixe. Il ne lui restait que quelques heures à vivre. En effet, le refuge qui l’avait récupérée, alors qu’elle n’était âgée que de 2 mois, jugeait que personne ne voulait et ne voudrait d’elle parce que ses yeux coulaient. Moi, je l’ai adoptée. Après une semaine chez moi, elle a dû subir une chirurgie pour lui enlever un œil, celui-ci ayant été crevé alors qu’elle était un chien errant. Rosie a chamboulé ma vie; elle a été l’élément déclencheur d’un tournant majeur de ma vie. En effet, c’est grâce à elle si Leanne Turner et moi avons fondé Adoption animale Rosie qui, depuis, ne cesse de sauver la vie de plusieurs chiens. Elle était mon héroïne, puisqu’elle me rappelait sans cesse le travail à effectuer pour sauver tous ces animaux non-désirés, abandonnés et/ou maltraités. C’est même elle qui a redonné le goût à la vie à ma chienne Brandy, elle aussi avait été abusée et maltraitée. Elle lui a permis d’avoir confiance en la vie et aux humains! C’est par elle que les portes des fourrières et des usines à chiots se sont ouvertes à Adoption animale Rosie, ce qui nous a permis de recueillir beaucoup d’autres chiens. Et, encore une fois, c’est grâce à elle que j’ai rencontré tant de personnes qui, elles aussi, aiment tant les animaux. Ça été une belle histoire, mais qui vient malheureusement de se terminer! Elle nous manquera à tous, mais aussi beaucoup à Kelsie, notre Border Collie, qui adorait la lécher tous les jours. La Dr Laurie Dunbar, ainsi que Maria Cecere ont tout tenté pour la rendre confortable le plus longtemps possible. Il n’y avait malheureusement aucun moyen de guérir du mal qui l’incommodait depuis plusieurs mois. Un super gros merci à la Dr Claudia Gilbert qui l’a aidée à passer de vie à trépas avec énormément de compassion. Si Rosie avait pu parler, elle aurait sans cesse répéter : S.V.P. faites stériliser vos animaux; c’est la meilleure façon d’empêcher leur prolifération et donc d’être désirés et non abusés. N’oubliez pas, il faut adopter des refuges, ces chiens font les meilleurs compagnons de vie.
In Memory of Maya
Added October, 15 2012
If it should be that I grow weak,And pain should keep me from my sleep
then you must do what must be done
For this last battle cannot be won.
You will be sad I understand
But don't let grief then stay your hand
For this day more than all the rest
Your love for me must stand the test.
We've had so many happy years
What is to come can hold no fears.
You don't want me to suffer so,
The time has come, please let me go.
Take me where my needs they'll tend,
Stay with me, please, until the end
To hold me close and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree
It was a kindness done for me.
Although my tail it's last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Please do not grieve that it was you,
That had this painful thing to do.
We've been so close we through the years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.
In loving memory of Maya
Sadly missed by Marc, Anna, Rolo and family

Added September, 29 2010
Dear Anne, and every one at Rosie's:
As you are probably aware by now, Bart passed away on September 16, 2010. He was our precious Bart-man and we miss him so much, it breaks our heart everyday. John, who is now 2 1/2 keeps asking when Bart is coming home. We told him he was very sick and went to see him mommy...
I just wanted to thank you all for calling us to foster Bart. He obviously became a very special member of the family, and we were blown away when we got the news of his sudden illness. His quick passing was both a blessing and a devastation.
We have had the privilege of fostering 3 amazing dogs, and adopting 2. Dozer and Bart have held such special places in our homes and it is fitting that we buried Dozers ashes with Bart.
It would have been our 2 year adoption anniversary on September 19th. And while it makes me very sad to know he wasn't in our home for even 2 years, it makes me just as sad to know that a dog of only 6 years should not have died this way... he had so much life in him just a short time ago. To see his rapid decline was heart wrenching. It will take us some time to get over this loss, but know that we will be in contact with you again probably in the new year...
I can't thank you all enough... Bart was so amazing and he made us all laugh. He was the most incredible dog anyone with children could wish to have. I will never forget how I caught John once with his finger in Bart's eye socket, or how, most recently, John would drive his trucks over top of Bart (he was a BIH hill!). And to know now how sick he was, it really is an incredible testament to what kind of dog he really was. Bart just always wanted to be part of the action and was known through out out neighborhood as being such a good and obedient dog. Never a growl, never a tooth shown... just licks, licks, and more licks!
Here is a picture taken of the 4 of us the day before his passing. He has been buried on my in-laws farm, along side Dozer. They will forever have a peaceful resting place...
Thanks again for all you do... we are blessed to have had the chance to take care of Bart for the short time we did, and we thank you for calling us.
lots of love, stephie and family

Added February, 24 2010
Paco was adopted from Rosie, and went prematurely to Rainbow Bridge at the age of 1.
Paco est un chien de Rosie qui est monté prématurément au ciel des chiens à l'âge de 1 an.